woman curious about what will happen to her body after an abortion

What Happens to Your Body After an Abortion?

If you are in the midst of an unexpected pregnancy, you could be considering an abortion. However, it comes with many questions, including what could happen to your body after a procedure.

Visit HOPE Pregnancy Center today to receive no-cost pregnancy confirmation and information on all options in a confidential setting.

Considering that every woman’s experience can differ, read on to learn what could potentially happen to your body after an abortion.

Potential Side Effects After Abortion

Depending on the type of abortion, a woman may experience different side effects after an abortion procedure.

After a surgical abortion procedure, women may experience light spotting or vaginal bleeding and mild cramping for a few days.

With a medical abortion, even though most of the intense side effects like vaginal bleeding and abdominal cramping occur during the procedure, women can still experience some lingering effects. 

Women may experience period-like bleeding for a few days following the procedure or light to moderate bleeding for several weeks.

During this time, it’s vital for women to monitor their bodies for signs of infection or complications, including foul-smelling discharge, heavy bleeding, pain in the stomach or pelvis, chills, body aches, or fast heart rate.

Any unusual signs and symptoms should be reported to a healthcare professional to ensure you can receive timely treatment.

Breast Changes

When you become pregnant, one of the noticeable signs could be breast changes. They could increase in size, and your areolas could darken and enlarge. Lactation (producing breast milk) can begin as early as the second trimester.

According to abortion providers, women may experience some breast tenderness, pain, or leaking after an abortion.

Post-Pregnancy Emotions

What comes up must go down, and the same is true about your hormones. During pregnancy, hormones such as estrogen and progesterone rise to support a developing pregnancy. 

However, after pregnancy, these hormones will return to their normal levels. For women who carry to term, this can lead to emotional symptoms, including anxiety, restlessness, and crying. Called the “postpartum blues,” in most cases, it’s temporary as hormones adjust.

It’s unclear whether those who experience an abortion or miscarriage will also experience some form of postpartum blues, but there could be emotional symptoms as hormone levels change.

Hormones aside, it’s well-known that women can feel a range of emotions from relief to sadness, loss, and guilt after an abortion, and each woman’s experience is unique.

Find Support in a Safe Space

Are you evaluating your pregnancy options and looking for support?

Schedule a no-cost appointment to talk in a safe space at HOPE Pregnancy Center. We provide early pregnancy services, information, and encouragement as you process your pregnancy. You’re not alone!

All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.
