What Is an Ectopic Pregnancy?

An ectopic pregnancy happens when a fertilized egg attaches outside the uterus, most commonly in a fallopian tube. Because the fallopian tube cannot support a growing pregnancy, it is considered a medical emergency. Left untreated, the fallopian tube can rupture or burst open, leading to potential life-threatening bleeding in the abdomen. Read on to learn …

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How Does Maintaining a Balanced and Nutritious Diet Contribute to a Healthy Pregnancy?

As you are well aware, pregnancy affects everything. Your body is undergoing many changes, from exhaustion to the need to urinate more frequently. It is imperative to maintain a balanced diet because you are now eating for two. To remain healthy and for your baby to be born healthy, you need to eat a balanced …

How Does Maintaining a Balanced and Nutritious Diet Contribute to a Healthy Pregnancy? Read More »
